What the professionals say
“There really is nobody quite like Digby Fairweather, a man who has long been – and more significantly remains – a force for our music, a winner of many new friends for the cause and, best of all, a jazz musician who continues to prove that being true to ones own direction – that voice-forging faith – can build a career that can last a lifetime”

“One of our great jazzmen – and the UK’s leading man-about jazz – Digby Fairweather has assuredly taken the place vacated by Humphrey Lyttelton as Britain’s leading jazz personality!”

“Having seen Digby play as a youngster, I was greatly moved by the incredible warmth of his music. He plays the purest melodies that hit you right in the heart, something that is missing from a lot of players these days. He has succeeded in creating a personal style of playing which is very listenable to without compromising quality, something which I aspire to because of him! He is a true British jazz legend”