Hallelujah! After two or more years of the C19 Blues (which took everyone’s gigs away!) our dear friend Cole Matthieson has invited us back to his beautiful Concorde Club – one of our very favourite venues. It’ll be so good to see Cole – and all of you! – again and the full all-star team of the Half Dozen will be there: Julian Marc Stringle (reeds/vocals) Chris Gower (trombone) Craig Milverton (piano) Dominic Ashworth (guitar) Al Swainger (bass) and Neil Bullock (drums). We’ll be playing all our favourites – and some new tunes too!- and there’ll be features for all of our stars! Address (as if you didn’t know!) is The Concorde Club, Stoneham Lane, Eastleigh SO50 9HQ and the phone for bookings is: 023 8061 3989. Looking forward to seeing you all after MUCH too long!